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Our Prestigious Achievements

We are proud to share with you about our prestigious achievements and recognition received so far.

Notable Achievements: FAQ

Research Work Published As Elsevier Book Chapter

Our group's research works on the project 'Listener Drone' has been published as the Chapter 15 of the book Unmanned Aerial Systems: Theoretical Foundation and Applications, which is SCOPUS indexed Elsevier Book. The book as well as our chapter "A novel sound source localization method using a global-best guided cuckoo search algorithm for drone-based search and rescue operations" can be obtained at the publisher's official website here

Among the TOP 30 projects of 5G Hackathon by Government of India

Our project "The Listener Drone: A 5G Use Case for Environment, Public Safety and Disaster management" has been selected among the TOP 30 projects of the 5G Hackathon 2020 organized by the Govt. of India. Out more than 4000 submissions from industry, academia, and corporate sectors globally, our system has been chosen among the Top 30 best projects/products. The selection has been carried out through a rigorous review by academic and industry personnel and the organizers Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Govt. of India, and Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). Our team shared the Top 30 leaderboard with organizations like Wipro, InfoSys, CDAC and IITs. Know more about it here

Global Finalist of Microsoft and HCL Technologies Hackathon

The proposal of Viral Cough Cop Device has been nominated as one of the Global Finalists of the Better Health Hackathon 2020, co-organised by Microsoft and HCL Technologies. Our work has been selected among the top 8 projects internationally under the track "Recovery and return to normal". Find out more here.

The VCC: Viral Cough Cop Device

The Viral Cough Cop device, that we love to call as VCC, is a surveillance system aimed at identifying COVID-19 disease cough as well as gather the facial identity of the coughing person so that s/he can be isolated from others in crowds. VCC is of immense importance in crowd management and community safety in public places like office spaces, classrooms, clinics, shops, public transports and many more. This is an initiative from our group to help bring back the society to new normal life safely during and post COVID-19. Check out more at the project website The VCC: Viral Cough Cop device

Winners of COVID-19 hackathon, UC Berkeley

Our team is the Winner of the COVID-19 virtual hackathon organised by the Center for Emerging & Neglected Diseases (CEND) at University of California (UC), Berkeley, USA. Our proposed design of low cost, easy to assemble, medical grade ventilators has been chosen as the Winning design! Check out more here

Finalist of Unusual Solutions Competition, WeRobotics

Our team is one of the top 9 finalists selected from all over the world for the Unusual Solutions competition organised by WeRobotics, USA. Our solution was nominated under the "Drone Data and AI Tools". Our team has funding for the same and presented the work at the Final Pitch Events at Nairobi, Kenya. Find out more about the competition at the official website here.

Global Rank 13 of IEEE Signal Processing Cup, 2019

Our team has been recognized as the Global Rank 13 holder of the IEEE Signal Processing (SP) Cup, 2019 organised jointly by IEEE Signal Processing Society, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Top 20 teams from across the globe were selected for the final report. 

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